The Supremes said “You Can’t Hurry Love”, but c’mon that was 1966! While the fabric will never change, the rules, the playground and especially the timelines of dating have certainly put on a newer, more dynamic dress. Online, blind, double and of course, the remedy for the impatient and/or thrifty seeker; SPEED dating. A few weeks ago, I went speed dating for the first time.
I recently heard a radio segment claiming that an adult break-up typically costs between $500 - $1500. Sometimes there`s a moving truck, the new gym membership, the mani/pedi, a haircut, some new outfits, new perfume/cologne and of course the expense of dating itself. Unlike 1966, ladies are paying their share of the bill. It sure adds up.

I tried to keep persepctive as I cursed the ticket price for the FastLife Speed dating event my friend and I signed up for. 16 dates for $55, ok ok…not that bad. I wish the cliché had occurred to me sooner though; you get what you pay for.
Teamed as the “Sarah’s”, we scurried up to the Office Pub downtown already late. Remembering that chomping gum can come off a bit crass, we quickly and carelessly spat our wads onto the street and plowed through the front door full force.
I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting, but the scene was far from my overactive imagination. There were some random guys and gals mingling about, but for the most part everyone was seated awkwardly in their respective spots; waiting.

Soon enough, the gong bonged and the succession of 6 minute meetings began. There was Harry from Holland who could barely stop giggling long enough to finish a sentence. Prashant, Rommel, Hamil, Rohan and Murat were all consultants from Dubai. Jonnathan`s first question was ``what are your secret passions and what really turns you on``. Gulp. Don had on a shirt 3 times too small and a hair cut like Jim Carry in Dumb and Dummer . Leroy had Cuban drug lord written all over his jeweled fingers and fancy clothes and I can`t really remember the rest to be honest. In the end, I put an X in the NO box next to each fine fella - reminding myself that the intent was never anything more.
The night definitely brought out some good laughs and interesting people, but it's certainly not the avenue for me. The best part of the entire experience is that now, according to FastLife, I`m a certified ``Sexy Beast``! Ha! And, the host turned out to be pretty cute. That story...to be continued.