Monday, February 13, 2012

Ti adoro! Ecciti i mei sensi!

Someone recently shared a lil ditty that suggested “A perfect world is one where the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the Swiss bankers, the British police and the lovers; Italian. (yes, that someone is Italian). After seeing the opera for the first time this week with my Dad, I’m compelled to agree with the last point given that Wikipedia tells me the opera began in Florence, Italy in 1597. Italians in that respect do dominate the heart.

The opera was no doubt one of the most moving performances I’ve ever seen. The story of Tosca was of intense love, false assumptions brought on by jealousy, betrayal driven by lust and of course; death and tragedy over a lost lover. All of this, swirling amongst a ridiculously gorgeous orchestra and voices that penetrated so mighty I sometimes had to close my eyes (the 3 glasses of wine at dinner might have had a wee impact too). In short, it was glorious.

Something I didn’t expect was the translation screen. While knowing the detail of each lyric helped understand the story, I felt it stole from the rawness of the voices and being led by own imagination. I'd also kinda fantasised about having someone softly whisper the translation into my ear. Not this time 'round though. Next time, I’ll have go with someone other than my Dad.

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