Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Heart ______!

Without training, looming rainstorms, a snagged chain and a 6:30am start time, why wouldn’t cycling 75km (ok, I only completed 50km...) across the Gardiner and up the DVP, and back again, be the first thing that comes to mind for a Sunday activity?!  

Celebrating 25 years, the Ride for Heart took place this past weekend to raise funds to save lives touched by heart disease and stroke.

My personal connection aside, I was thrilled to be part of this momentous event and to have commemorated the occasion appropriately with burgers and beer directly following.  

Thanks to everyone who donated their generous support! xoxo

Screen Sneaks

Last weekend, accompanied by an experienced adventurer, I snuck into a movie for the first time. It takes skills folks, but I highly recommend it. Here’s how:

1.  Select a rainy day when you have hours to kill, but don’t bring an umbrella - it creates too much baggage in the case of a mad dash (at which time, pantyhose over the face are ideal)

2.  Choose a viewing companion you really like. You may end up spending the night in jail together.

3.  Abandon all fear, flashy clothes and sunglasses. Looking guilty or drawing attention could be deadly.

4.  Pre-plan. Timing is everything & re-routing may become necessary, so be prepared with a few well scheduled options

5.  Scope out the scene. Know your exits, staff stations and where the washrooms are; your safest refuge

6.  Rehearse your story - if caught, interrogation and torture can be intimidating.  

7.   Pay for and see the good movie first. Your thief show should be dispensable to reduce suspicion.  

8.  Secure an aisle seat & avoid single viewers. They're spies!   

9.  Never abort the mission - you will prevail.

10. (I didn’t, but...) pack snacks and rations - concession prices are more criminal that the sneak!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Peterson! (and the Notorious Bollywood Mob)

Each year, to celebrate International Dance Day, Canada’s National Ballet School puts on a flash mob performance. This year, for the first time, I joined in for their Bollywood number thanks to a suggestion from the lovely Zoe and her mail-lady friend.

Defined by Wiki as “
a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression” the mob (in my opinion) lives up to its reputation. It’s a super quirky activity that if nothing else, creates a space for participants to do something out of the ordinary. I’m an advocate for complete ridiculousness and fortuned from a healthy dose with the mob experience. I have next to no coordination (curse all those hours of tap and jazz as a child!), can’t remember a routine to save my life and bungrah like a drunk child.

Thankfully, my charming dance crime partner abstained from mocking me at rehearsal. He certainly didn’t bust-out laughing when I commonly pivoted the wrong way or lost my footing. He always arrived sober and with fresh smelling feet (essential criteria for such a serious dancer). He was swift, regimented and undeniable passionate about expressing himself through movement. Unrelated, but noteworthy, he also has a fascinating awareness of hotels, in particular the lobbies, in the downtown area. I indulged in a post-rehearsal tour - more than once. Delightful. I look forward to more dancing (and more tours).

When mob day finally came, after weeks of rehearsal, it sadly felt a bit too contrived. None the less, it was a total buzz and far from pointless.

Check out the skills in jays hat and white fedora!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjM5MSDzZJE&feature=related

Official Video