Remember the DOS and DONTS photo section that Vice Magazine used to (or maybe still do) publish?! That stuff was beautiful. It was cutting and offensive (not at all why I liked it), but most importantly, it was a magnified peep show of rawly real people that begged the question of what is "cool". Some may argue that it was a sneaky way to poke fun while desperately trying to define cool, but from my vantage, I just saw a messy collage of people who ultimately all fit under the same headline. Hilarious.
I've had a conversation with many people on many occasions about how Toronto seems to have grown a goiter of a too-cool-for-school vibe in the past while. I hope this isn't just me getting older and crustier, and don't get me wrong, I adore this city, but sometimes it feels a bit serious about itself. Loaded finger pointing (at self or others) is a common symptom of this. Either by claiming fame, "I did it first" (who cares!), or placing blame, (I did not mean for that to rhyme by the way). Maybe it's the pronounced access we have to each other and the flooding forums we share our opinions about him/her/them/it (girl says curtly on her blog). I don't know. Anyway, I'm digressing from what is actually a really chipper entry.
While I didn't meet my goal of 100 photos, I did exceed my expectations in thrill! A while ago now, I toured Toronto on foot, Keele to Broadview, Front to Bloor, to chum with and take photos of 54 willing strangers. Some of them I had to sweetly convince, others posed and hoped I wrote a fashion blog while others I sat drinking pints with for hours (great meeting you Ed & Harry!)
Everyone (of course you know what I'm going to say) was a DO!! Here are few that stick out to me. To meet the rest, click HERE.
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